For 10 years, Petro lived the life of an ordinary house cat with a family on a street called First Place in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. Petro ate and stretched, played with stuffed animals, dozed in a beanbag chair.
When the couple had a second child, something changed.
“He was the baby,” said Petro’s owner Jennifer Chi. “He wasn’t getting enough attention anymore, and he was jealous.”
So Petro took to going outside to get attention from people passing by. Petro makes his regular rounds of the neighborhood so often that residents have dubbed him the mayor.
“Most cats are kind of like ‘I really don’t care,’” said Emma Butler, 12, who goes to school nearby. “But a few weeks ago, I saw this little girl, she fell off her scooter. She was crying and bleeding — she was 5 or something. The cat went right up to her, meowed in her face, and she started laughing and hugging him.”
To read more about Petro and the lives he brightens up with his presence, click here.
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