The Cat Daily News site is dedicated to the wonderful and crazy world of cats. I got my first cat in 1990 and immediately fell in love with her after she ripped up the carpeting, stepped all over my food, and pooped on the floor every morning for me to step in. As you can see, learning to love cats is an acquired taste that often makes others question your sanity.
In response to my first cat, I wrote a humorous cat book in her honor called “How To Live With a Cat (When You Really Don’t Want To),” which is my parody of a standard cat care book that sounds good in theory but fails dramatically in practice when you have to take care of an actual cat.
After my first cat, I quickly wound up with three more for a total of two orange tabbies, one Korat, and one British Bombay. Sadly, all four of those cats have now passed away, but the joy, trouble, frustration, and happiness that these four cats brought to my life lives on in the spirit of two Norwegian Forest Cats that have taken their place.
Despite the destruction that cats bring with them, they’re amazingly addictive. To help you find the latest interesting cat news, I decided to put together this site in honor of cats and cat lovers everywhere. Enjoy!
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2 Responses to “About”
I see you mentioned Weather Whiskers! You might want to check out Weather Kitty ( as well. It came out in August and features Grumpy Cat and Lil BUB as well!
Lot’s of Kitty Love,
Poopy Cat Dolls: official making-of launch
Amsterdam, April 7th 2014
Just released, the Poopy Cat Dolls official making-of:
The Poopy Cat Dolls’ first single “Do you want my purr purr?” was launched in December and gained global attention via various national TV shows in the US, Japan and the Netherlands. The Dolls were even an item on the global TV show E! News live. National print media also wrote on the Dolls as well as hundreds of online media including CNN, Huffington Post, Mashable and the Mirror.
This epic display of our beloved cats’ true diva nature was a great sensation. Many wondered how the Poopy Cat Dolls came to this instant hit. Days went by, friends were used and cats were cuddled. With our new video you can actually see how we created the world’s first cat pop group. Sit back and enjoy the true world of cat video creation.
General information about the Poopy Cat Dolls available on or the Poopy Cat Facebook
Specific enquiries:
Thomas Vles
P. +31 20 2 61 09 36
M. +31 6 20 66 00 60