Cat cafes gained popularity in Asia because most places in Asia people don’t have room for a cat, but they still enjoy being around them anyways. By visiting a cat in a cat cafe, people could indulge in their cat fix without the hassle and expense of caring for a cat themselves.
Now some animal rights people are questioning whether cat cafes are good for cats. After all, the main idea is to promote cats for adoption and give cats a chance to socialize with different people. But like anything, it’s not always good for everyone.
Some cats don’t like the somewhat hectic pace of different strangers showing up everyday while other cats prefer the company of a limited number of people rather than a random mob that shows up everyday.
So while cat cafes serve a purpose in helping get more cats adopted, it’s not the best method for every cat. If you’re looking to adopt a cat, look at your local animal shelter as well as a cat cafe. If you visit both, you may find yourself coming home with more than just one cat.
To read more about cats doing well (or not) in cat cafes, click here.
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