Poor BenBen the Cat had a hard life. Apparently he had been attacked by a large animal that gave him deep cuts, a crushed spine and a califlower ear. Due to the excess skin on his face, his expression appeared permanently unhappy. To make matters worse, BenBen was scheduled for euthanasia and he quickly became listless, refusing to eat, drink, or move.
Fortunately a couple decided to adopt him and the changes in BenBen switched overnight. BenBen’s owner said, “I think he started to feel safe pretty quick because we were greeted with purrs and cuddles and so much affection. It only took about an hour before he wanted to start exploring his new surroundings. I think at that point he knew he was safe. He knew THIS was his forever home.”
BenBen still suffers from his physical problems but is happily living in his new home where he has found much love. If rescuing a single cat can make such a change in an animal’s life, imagine how adopting any animal can change the life of both parties at once for the better.
To read more about BenBen the cat and his now happy life, click here.
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