Two years ago, Sara Arndt took her cat on a family trip from Pennsylvania to South Carolina. When a friend saw Arndt and yelled her name, Finick the cat freaked out and ran away.Arndt spent two days looking for her cat before returning home.
“We all say, he’s fine, I’m sure that he found a nice little woman to look after him but you never really expect those things to be true,” Arndt said.
It turns out that a woman did find Finick and brought him in her home. When she took Finick to the vet, that’s when she discovered Finick had been microchipped, which helped the vet locate Sara Arndt. Now Sara and Finick have been reunited after two years.
Get you cat microchipped. You never know when it could help turn a sad story into a happy one.
To read more about the cat reunited with its owner after two years, click here.
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