Florencia Lobo, a teenage girl in Argentina, was outside when she and her brother heard a cry. That’s when the two of them spotted two cubs on the ground. Lobo decided to adopt the two cats, which she named Tito and Dani, although Dani died two weeks later.
Tito survived and seemed particularly hyperactive. When Tito hurt his leg, Lobo took Tito to a vet and learned that instead of being a cat, Tito was actually a wild jaguarundi puma.
Lobo turned Tito in to the Argentine Animal Rescue Foundation, which will nurse the cat back to health before releasing it back into the wild. So the next time you adopt a stray cat, make sure it’s really a cat. Otherwise you might be surprised at what you really adopted.
To learn more about the teenager in Argentina who adopted a puma, click here.