Cats are amazing animals, so it’s no surprise that cats can do more than provide comfort and companionship. When an elementary school in San Luis Obispo, California was going to cut their art program, students and parents banded together to create a self-published, bi-lingual book called “You Can Be That Cat / Tú Puedes Ser Ese Gato.”
The book was inspired by sketches of two students, Jack and Luke Haring, and contains drawings of different variations of cats such as Taco Cat, Cactus Cat, and hamburger Cat. Sales of the book helped raise enough money to save the school’s art program.
So the next time you see your lazy cat sleeping all day long while you’re working, keep in mind that your cat could help raise money for you one day if you would just take the effort to be creative and appeal to cat lovers around the world.
To learn more about the book about cats that saved an art program in a school, click here.