Like many places, Forks Township, Pennsylvania has a problem with feral cats. Unlike most places, Forks Township has decided to get into the cat business. The township has a contract with resident Natalie Nicholas, who runs a small operation from her home, trapping cats, getting them spayed or neutered, and readying them for adoption. Forks will also work with NNN, a local organization that runs a trap-neuter-release program for strays.
The township will pay Nicholas $40 per cat, with NNN getting $35 for each feline. The program is capped at $3,000 a year. Supervisors said it’s a necessary evil to combat a problem they can’t — for the moment — really quantify. “I don’t want to be in the cat business,” said Supervisor Robert Egolf. “And the township shouldn’t be in the cat business. But it looks like it’s been foisted upon us.”
To read more about one township’s solution to dealing with feral cats, click here.
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