Grumpy Cat’s movie “Worst Christmas Ever” is coming soon but one reviewer is not impressed. As a made-for-TV movie, you hope for the best but don’t expect the same type of adventure you might see with a full-blown Hollywood movie like “The Avengers” or “The Hunger Games.”
Unfortunately this one reviewer thought the movie was simply silly. If you’re a fan of Grumpy at, you might want to watch the movie and see for yourself. After all, reviewers once hated “The Wizard of Oz” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” so don’t take the reviewer’s word for what’s good or not. If you like Grumpy Cat, you’ll probably like Grumpy Cat’s movie. If not, the movie’s free so the only thing you have to lose is time.
To read a review of Grumpy Cat’s movie, click here.
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