Using a $30,000 grant from Pet Smart Charities, cats at the Spartanburg Humane Society will soon have the oceanfront condos many people have dreamed about. The grant will allow the purchase of a 24-unit kitty condo complex. With additional donations, the cat room will be repainted with an underwater theme, said Angel Cox, chief executive officer.
“It creates a much, much more pleasant atmosphere. … We just want to make it appealing. It’s just a little closed off in here,” Cox said.
The white kennels with glass pane fronts are more than just an aesthetic improvement, Cox pointed out. The new kennels will keep visitors from putting their hands into the cat cages, potentially spreading disease. The glass keeps cats from scratching or clawing neighboring cats and people sticking their fingers through the bars of the cages.
To read more about the new cat condos, click here.
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