Grumpy Cat is an Internet sensation and worth millions. Other cats have also gone on to Internet success, so if you’re tired of working for a living and envy the lifestyle of your cat who stays home all day to sleep, you might be curious to know what it takes to turn your cat into a money making machine too.
To do this, just follow four simple steps. First, build a massive online following for your cat. Second, register a unique trademark like “Grumpy Cat” (although that one’s already taken. Third, monetize your pet through licensing agreements and endorsement deals. Fourth, donate to charities to spread the wealth.
Of course, the hardest part is step one, getting your cat an online following. When you consider that people like Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin can get online followers, you already know in your heart that your cat is more talented so it’s just a matter of getting people interested in your cat for some reason. Good luck!
To read more about making your cat famous and rich, click here.
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