Back in 2013, Elena Sicconni, 28, of Danbury, was mourning the loss of her cat Batuffolo, or “Tuffo for short,” who failed to return home one day during the summer. In November 2013, Noah’s Ark Animal Hospital received an anonymous call to check the hospital’s parking lot.
The staff found an old yellow cat, weighing only 7 pounds, in a carrier. The cat was full of fleas, had internal parasites and an infected paw. He was also anemic and in stage-two kidney failure. The animal hospital staff nursed the cat back to health and kept him as an office kitty and named him Billy.
Three years later, Sicconi’s father and sister walked into Noah’s Ark because their normal veterinarian and an alternative were both booked. That’s when they discovered that Billy and Tuffo were the same cat.
To read more about the reunion with a cat three years later, click here.
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