In Istanbul, Tombili the cat was a familiar sight, posing with an elbow on the steps for passerby to see. When Tombili passed away, sculptor Seval Sahin created a statue of Tombili in his most familiar and famous pose. Unfortunately, someone stole Tombili’s statue.

That created an immediate outcry on social media. “They stole the Tombili statue. They are enemies of everything beautiful. All they know is hate, tears and war. They can’t live without those,” Republican People’s Party MP Tuncay Ozkan tweeted. Another social media user said: “What kind of a country do we live in? What are they going to do with the statue, put it on the mantelpiece?”

Fortunately whoever took Tombili’s statue quietly returned it. Now Tombili’s statue is back where it belongs for everyone to enjoy as they stroll past, remembering all the good times when Tombili was still alive.

To read more about the return of the stolen Tombili statue, click here.

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