Cats tend to sleep a lot and lounge around the house even when they’re awake. So it’s no surprise that cats have a tendency to gain weight, but the question is how much weight have cats put on over the years?
The University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) reports that most cats keep putting on weight as they age, peaking at an average of eight years old. They also found that the average weight of cats is also on the rise after looking at 54 million weight measurements recorded at veterinarian offices on 19 million different cats.
The mean weight of neutered, eight-year-old domestic cats increased between 1995 and 2005 but remained steady between 2005 and 2015. So if you’re concerned about the weight of your cat, give it plenty of exercise and a healthy diet. Then your cat may stay healthy for many more years.
To learn more about the changing weight of cats, click here.