Grumpy Cat has become one of the Internet’s early and biggest cat sensations so it’s no surprise that Grumpy Cat will now get her own movie airing on the Lifetime network. In the movie, Grumpy Cat will play the role of a pet-store cat that is perpetually overlooked until a 12-year-old girl discovers she can communicate with her.
“It brings fun and irreverence that we haven’t had at Lifetime,” says vp original movies Arturo Interian, noting that his teenage daughters are fans of Grumpy and gave him the initial idea for the project. “We’re so known for our heartfelt sentimentality that it will poke fun at those stereotypes.”
If you’re a fan of Grumpy Cat (and almost everyone who loves cats on the Internet probably is), be sure to look for Grumpy Cat’s movie this holiday season.
Click here to read more about Grumpy Cat’s upcoming movie.
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