Chris Franklin rescued a 7-month-old kitten named Angel. Unfortunately, he is disabled and lives in an apartment through Morganton Housing Authority, where — like many places — tenants are not able to have pets unless they pay a one-time deposit of around $200 or $300. Franklin had to pay the deposit, move or get rid of his beloved Angel. Because Franklin was unable to raise the money or find help in time, the cat was picked up by Burke County Animal Control and was scheduled to be euthanized.
That’s when Gwen Hood, who is the president of A Better Life Animal Rescue, stepped in for the rescue. She contacted animal control to get Angel taken off the kill list, then drove Franklin to the shelter on the morning of Feb. 11 to get Angel. Gwen then took Franklin to the store to purchase food, litter, a litter box and bowls, since he had given all of these items away when he had to get rid of Angel. Finally, Gwen visited Morganton Housing Authority to register Angel and pay the deposit.
“This young man rescued this kitten and deeply cared for her,” Hood said. “He was very distraught that he had to give her up and that she was going to be killed. It’s like having to part with one of your family members, and it’s devastating. We had to take quick action because every minute counts when you’re facing something like that.”
To read about this scary but ultimately happy tale, click here.
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